At the rear of the shop, under the loft balcony that houses the microwave, computer and extremely necessary coffee machine, is a parts room filled with the scavenged remains of scuttled bikes. Where else can you get those replacements for cheap? I even found a pair of blue Cateye toe clips! Not only are there a plethora of patinaed parts, they are well organized in bins for easy searches to complete that restoration or custom machine. Off to the side of the loft balcony is a show room. In following with its goal of increasing the accessibility of cycling, the no frills space contains bikes rebuilt by the volunteers for sale at extremely reasonable, even perhaps unreasonably low, prices. More than just a nuts and bolts operation, BikeWorks runs several events and training sessions. It hosts CanBike educational courses for new cyclists, and advanced courses to become a CanBike instructor. There are mechanic nights, where a small group of people takes classes in basic mechanical skills. Though you can always get help at BikeWorks, this enables a directed tutoring with far more mechanic-to-learner interaction. For our frightfully frozen |