I Love Riding in the City
NAME: Tricia
LOCATION: Pittsburgh, PA
OCCUPATION: Web/Graphic Designer
Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city?
I live at the top of a hill in Garfield and commute to work in the South Side every day. It’s a fun downhill in the morning and I have a bit of a climb at the end of the day. I don’t mind, the varying topography (and weather) is what keeps biking in Pittsburgh interesting. I really love biking across bridges and seeing the skyline, or casually sight-seeing through the neighborhoods via bicycle.
What was your favorite city to ride in, and why?
Well, so far Pittsburgh is the only city I have tried out.
Why do you love riding in the city?
It’s faster than the bus, and since I can’t stand running or going to a gym—it’s great to be able to get some exercise while actually getting somewhere. I also like the feeling of being exposed to the elements whether it’s the sun on my face or (more likely) the rain, wind or snow. I may not always like it at the time and sometimes I punk out, but I get a sense of satisfaction knowing that yes I’m that crazy person on a bike in the middle of a rainstorm.
Or just say whatever you want about riding in the city…
Road rage is not limited to those with four-wheels... I know this because I have a “lead-foot” and a tendency towards impatience while biking. I think everyone (no matter the number of wheels) can stand to slow down in a mental sense. Impatience means I am looking out for myself rather than others.
I really enjoy seeing the different kinds of bicyclists. You’ve got your punk bikers who built their own fixie out of parts they pulled from a dumpster. On the other end you’ve got the gear head, fitness mongers who blaze past you on their streamlined steeds. Then you have your recreational cyclists with the upright cruisers, casually pedaling down the riverfront trails. And you have people all along the spectrum who commute to work. I think I’d like to think I’m mix of everything, a Heinz 57 cyclist if you will. At any rate, we all have one thing in common: we all ride bikes that run on human power! |

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