Urban Velo

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About Krista Carlson

A regular contributor to the print edition of Urban Velo, Krista Carlson is a cyclist obsessed with bike polo, baking, pickles, and all things bike-y. She is a native Angeleno and is madly in love with the city and everything that makes it the beautiful, crazy place that it is.

Experiments in Speed

Experiments in Speed

Experiments in Speed from SpindleProductions on Vimeo.   “It started out with just an idea, to build a bike and see how fast we..

July 24, 2013 with 0 Comments
How Americans Get to Work

How Americans Get to Work

NPR’s piece “How Americans Get to Work” uses graphs made from data compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau,showing how..

July 23, 2013 with 7 Comments
Dream Whip – The Pedal-Powered Movie Tour

Dream Whip – The Pedal-Powered Movie Tour

Dream Whip #15: The Pedal-Powered Movie Tour is the latest release in the Dream Whip series from wandering cyclist and filmmaker Bill..

July 22, 2013 with 0 Comments

Don’t Salmon – Salmon Cyclist Kills Another Rider in Pasadena

Salmoning is the act of riding the wrong way down the street. It’s called such because salmon swim upstream, against the current...

July 18, 2013 with 5 Comments


We recently caught up with Awarewolfs organizer Charlie Sears down in San Diego to find out what the Awarewolves are all about. The AWLF..

July 17, 2013 with 0 Comments
NITTO Factory Visit

NITTO Factory Visit

Factory Visit to NITTO from Ryota Kemmochi on Vimeo. Insightful and beautiful peek inside the Nitto factory in Japan. Listen to Nitto..

July 16, 2013 with 0 Comments
Rust in Peace – “A Cycling Revolution in New York City” Teaser Video

Rust in Peace – “A Cycling Revolution in New York City” Teaser Video

RUST IN PEACE – 2013 – Teaser from LE BIJOUTIER on Vimeo. Kudos to French filmmaker-photographer Le Bijoutier for getting what..

July 15, 2013 with 1 Comment
Ride Bikes in Grand Theft Auto 5

Ride Bikes in Grand Theft Auto 5

Not only can you steal cars and take part in dirty deals, but soon you will also be able to play tennis (snore) and ride bikes (yes!) in..

July 10, 2013 with 2 Comments
Dahon to Offer Folding Bike-Share

Dahon to Offer Folding Bike-Share

Dahon Bikes is gearing up to launch an innovative bike-share program that will offer riders an opportunity to borrow a bike that will not..

July 9, 2013 with 0 Comments
Tecate Fixed HelperFest 2

Tecate Fixed HelperFest 2

Tecate Fixed is holding it down, down south–in Baja California, that is–with the second edition of HelperFest, coming up July..

July 5, 2013 with 0 Comments