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I Love Riding in the City

NAME: Kev Botman
LOCATION: Christchurch, New Zealand
OCCUPATION: Aircraft Engineer

Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city?

I’m back here in Christchurch, and it’s great. I bike to work as it takes me 30- minutes to ride and 20 to drive. The city is mostly flat and for many years people have cycled, so the city has grown up with the idea as it were. The City Council is reasonably pro-cycling, I have seen a lot of improvements in terms of cycle lanes and dedicated cycle strips at intersections since I first moved here many years ago. They support a Season of Cycling which covers a lot of events and races, including a multi-lap sprint race around the central city area.
The Council and Environment Canterbury also do a lot for MTB riders. There are two large multi-use parks for riding, plus there are a lot of good tracks on the Port Hills, which are on the edge of the city. It’s 15-minutes to the base of the hills and then you have hours of tracks at altitude with great views… it’s a great place!

What’s been your favorite city to ride in and why?
The one I’m in right now! I have moved around the country a bit but nothing compares to here.

Why do you love riding in the city?
It’s exciting but not life threatening, but you have to be on your game. Christchurch drivers are reasonably aware of cyclists but you never know… I know that I can get most places in the central city just as fast by biking.
I like racing the buses, they stop a lot so it’s this leap frog game, that’s good fun. But mainly I just like making good progress, and really because one of my happiest places in the world is on the saddle of a bike.

Or just say whatever you want about riding in the city…
It’s not what you ride, it’s not how you ride, it’s THAT you ride at all. Have fun—life is short. Riding today makes a difference tomorrow.



Send your answers and a high-quality photo to:
Urban Velo, PO Box 9040, Pittsburgh, PA 15224 or email