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NAME: Matt Bronner
OCCUPATION: City Maintenance Worker

What was your favorite city to ride in, and why?
San Francisco. Beautiful city, killer cycling scene, and challenging hills. It put the hook in me when I was a messenger for a summer, where in three months I learned more about how to ride a bike than in the previous twenty years.

Or just say whatever you want about riding in the city…
Riding in the city, or anywhere for that matter is fun for me on any type of bike. Fixed gear, road bike, mountain bike—whatever. They all put a smile on my face. I like waving to kids on BMX bikes, grannies on hybrids, and commuters with panniers. I have seen and experienced the negativity some riders seem to exhibit towards other riders, and it amazes me. We have the potential to become a paradigm shifting community, changing our world for the better, but instead we insist on wasting our energies on petty criticism. Let’s get over ourselves and get with the program, because opportunities to change the world are rare, and this could be our last chance.

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NAME: Stephen Holloman
LOCATION: Salt Lake City, UT

Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city?
I live Sandy, UT, a suburb of SLC, and riding here is like playing dodgeball with hot moms in Suburbans. This is the suburbs though, once you hit the heart of SLC, it’s a typical (not nearly as congested) urban-city ride. Rush hours hold the worst conditions for bicyclists, but late night rides unveil some of the most amazing views and hill bombs. You have mountains to both sides, leaving you with tough, but manageable, hills to climb that are even more fun to bomb.

What was your favorite city to ride in, and why?
I have only ridden SLC, and it’s super versatile, big hills, big bombs, great flats, great terrain to play around on. Dodging cars, and taking lights, its all in the daily, and still keeps me coming back for more. There is an up and coming fixie scene, BFC, they are killing it with monthly events such as the BFC Sunday Sprints, and BFC Trick Comps. They are helping to educate the mass public on bike awareness and trying to help people get out of their cars and trying to support smaller carbon footprints.

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Send your answers and a high-quality photo to:
Urban Velo, PO Box 9040, Pittsburgh, PA 15224 or email