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I Love Riding in the City

NAME: Willie Bailey
LOCATION: Clarksville, TN
OCCUPATION: Bicycle Mechanic, Photographer

Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city?
I live 40 minutes outside of “THE” music city, Nashville. We have some on the best road riding around outside the city limits, but as soon as you hit the city... GAME ON! The downtown has the historical vibe going and early in the morning or late in the evening the streets are almost traffic free. It’s just coming into the city that poses a threat. Dirty shoulders, Wal-Mart and congestion make for an interesting ride. All in all, a great scenic cruise around town.

What’s been your favorite city to ride in, and why?

Clarksville, for sure. I know where every bump, hump and hole is. I know every shortcut, scenic view and areas to avoid. I know the police, firefighters and politicians. We have one extraordinary bicycle shop, which I have the honor of wrenching at. We now have two bike routes and one official bike lane. We have a campus (Austin Peay State University) and a military base (Ft. Campbell) with several people who commute or ride bicycles. And we have a mountain bike trail (Rotary Park).

Why do you love riding in the city?
The buildings block the wind... Ha ha ha.
I like that a place that is so bustling around midday can be so serene in the morning hours. When you don’t have to look out for people or avoid cars you can really look. As a photographer I notice things others might not as I cruise the city streets, and I’m in total awe of the buildings or the history of the city. How many people rode down these streets on a bicycle a century ago?

Or just say whatever you want about riding in the city… Poetry anyone?
Riding in the city? Just do it!

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