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Publisher's Statement

I’ve known Andy Singer for quite a while now. At first I was just another art director who published his work. As I came to know him better it became clear that he’s a serious non-motorized transportation advocate. Maybe more serious about it than anyone I know. And while his comics are typically lighthearted, they often carry a serious message, too.

Andy’s first book, CARtoons, took aim at automobile culture with 88 comics accompanied by various facts, anecdotes and quotes. Following the release of that book, he did a series of speaking engagements, including one here in Pittsburgh. Though I wasn’t able to attend the formal lecture, Andy basically recited the previous day’s presentation for me in my living room. I was mesmorized. He essentially broke down the world of transportation politics in one fell swoop.

Andy’s new book, Why We Drive, is a more elaborate version of that talk, complete with comics, maps, illustrations, photos and more. It’s easy to read and totally entertaining, yet it has the potential to be incredibly powerful. While Andy Singer isn’t quite a household name, his work reaches a large and diverse audience. And for those who have already opened themselves up to the idea of alternative transportation, Why We Drive just may be the impetus for making a change.

The book is filled with facts, not opinions, so even if you’re a transportation activist, you might learn a thing or two. A typical passage from the book reads:

This loss of property tax revenue is a hidden subsidy that motor vehicles receive from our society. This cartoon shows a few of the other subsidies. These include the billions of dollars in healthcare costs and lost productivity associated with air pollution, and the costs of subsidized parking to businesses, employees, and customers. Seventy percent of all state and local law enforcement activities are expended on cars and traffic management issues. Fifteen percent of all fires and sixteen percent of all paramedic calls are related to cars.

Why We Drive is available for $10. Check out
