Puerto RicoPresented by www.panaracer.com Photography by Takuya Sakamoto, www.newyorkbikedreams.com
Last October I was invited to attend “Fijate,” which was a historical event for the Puerto Rican urban bicycle scene. The rider pictured to the left is Luis Rafael Robles, a native bicycle messenger who’s largely responsible for the fixed gear movement in Puerto Rico. I was particularly interested in this cross-cultural cycling experience, because we (New York City bike messengers) have always known that the urban fixed gear movement was started by messengers from the West Indies. Not surprisingly, I found a strong connection between New York City and Puerto Rican cycling culture. The same is true with the exchange of street culture, For these reasons, I strive to capture the bicycle scene as “culture” and not as “sports.” –Takuya Sakamoto
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