I Love Riding in the CityNAME: Luiz Henrique Carvalho LOCATION: Sao Paulo, Brazil OCCUPATION: Consultant Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city? I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil where (unfortunately) we do not have safe streets to ride on, but with dedicated research, we can find the best path between origins and destinations. Lately I’ve been riding to work and I confess that I’m arriving earlier than I would by car. What was your favorite city to ride in, and why? Here in Brazil (and I believe worldwide), riding outside the big cities is always more interesting and safe, however I thoroughly enjoyed riding the cities of France on my last trip (urban and highway). Why do you love riding in the city? Mobility, agility, exercise, wellness, health, independence, and non-polluting transportation... Or just say whatever you want about riding in the city… The bicycles are a symbol of freedom. New paths are always opening up and the best course is under our choice. |
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