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32 Chiang Mai, Thailand
John Greenfield
An interview with Kobby Booncoomyou, event organizer and fixed gear aficionado from Chiang Mai, northern Thailand’s largest and most culturally significant city.

44 In Beijing, Bike Repairs Start from Squat
Tom Hancock
In China’s capital city, bike repairs often take place right out on the street. Typically, the work is performed by industrious men who have migrated from the far reaches of China in an attempt to make a decent living.

74 Biking in the West Bank
Davey Davis
A tale of three cyclists leading very different lives in the holy land. Despite their differences, the bicycle remains an important part of daily life for both Israeli and Palestinian cyclists.


Contents photo: London-based hip hop crew 2Morrow’s Victory. Download their new EP “Good Lads” for free at Photo by Greg Falski