I Love Riding in the CityNAME: Nikki Luo LOCATION: Pittsburgh, PA OCCUPATION: Student Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city? I was living in China, but I just moved to Pittsburgh. There’s a lot of car traffic on the road so we just ride fast. 我居住在中国,广西南宁。一个月前刚搬到匹兹堡。 在南宁路况非常不好而且堵车,我可以骑车自由的穿梭在车道上然后练习各种skid。 What was your favorite city to ride in, and why? I love riding in Shenzhen, it’s a beautiful city. 我喜爱在深圳夜骑,深圳是一个车水马龙,人声鼎沸的城市,热闹的人们成了一道奇特的风景线。 入夜的深圳,没有了白天的烦躁和嘈杂。只有一群fixed gear爱好者聚集在这里,夜幕笼罩下的 青蛙灯闪烁的像是夏天的萤火虫般密集。 Why do you love riding in the city? I feel alive in the city. 我喜欢感受市区的热闹,灵巧的穿梭于汽车中 少一辆汽车,多一份自由! Or just say whatever you want about riding in the city? Share the road! 遇上好天气,无目的地出门,来一个远途骑行也是一个不错选择! Check out jianai416.blog.163.com |
Bianchi |