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I Love Riding in the City

Name: Brandie Tan
Location: Makati City, Philippines
Occupation: Advertising Creative Director

Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city?
I live in Makati City. It’s the business district of metro Manila in the Philippines. Riding here is like riding for your life. The cars usually don’t follow the traffic rules, which makes it exciting and dangerous at the same time. My co-workers, friends and I look forward to weekends when there are much fewer cars and trucks on the roads.

What was your favorite city to ride in, and why?
Bonifacio City, next to Makati, is a good place to ride on most days. It has less car traffic since it’s a new city with less buildings—just open roads.

Why do you love riding in the city?
Riding in the city gives me the right amount of daily rush. There are many riders here and most of them are encouraging and helpful when they see you on the street with them. There are four riders in our office, that’s me on the right.

Eighth Inch

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