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Urban Velo
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Graham Holmes
Cape Town, South Africa

“I’ve been riding bikes now for over 20 years. I’m 45. I’m a harbor forklift operator. I’m coming from work now and I’m going home to Goodwood. I ride my bike every day—rain, snow, if there was snow! But you don’t get snow tires here! I ride a bike so I can save more money than other people do—and then I drink more on the weekends! I save the fuel but then I drink it out! They don’t like it when I come to the bar on the bike. When you come out drunk then the people don’t want you to ride. Then I walk! But it’s not far... just around the corner. My late wife picked this bike up for me and I built it up. Some people threw it away. That’s how I pick my bikes up. Here in Parow, at the market, the guy sells parts there and I buy my spares there by him. Cheaper than the bicycle shops. I did the American flag paint job myself— ‘The home of the free...’ how it’s supposed to be. Nobody’s got this paint scheme around here. The kids, they say, ‘We like your bike...’, I say, ‘You can’t smack the bike, it’s the owner you must like!’”
