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The Six Day Bicycle Races - America's Jazz Age Sport

The most revealing parts of this book are not the tales of old, as compelling as they are. It’s all about the photos, the subtleties of posture and dress that show such little separation from today’s city culture and the cyclists of the past. We are all participants in a sport with a vibrant history, one worth exploring for a sense of humility in the modern day cycling world.

In this photo-intensive, hardbound volume, author Nye gives a glimpse of the heyday of American cycling racing—when the velodrome was the place to see the highest paid athletes in the country in company with thousands of others. Photo essays cover the cycling greats of the era, along with the mechanics and promoters that made it all happen from behind the scenes. Candid looks inside the rider’s life during a six-day event show a world not far removed from today’s—doping and all. The racing itself was brutal, the events huge, the stakes high. And then American tastes changed and the heart of competitive cycling moved to Europe, where it has remained since. –Brad Quartuccio

Available from Van der Plas Publications