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I Love Riding in the City

NAME: Marco (aka Nick Garrison)
LOCATION: Modena, Italy
OCCUPATION: Office Worker

Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city?
Hi, I live in Modena in Italy, a small place that has the great car factories that are Ferrari and Maserati. In the city there are some bike paths and it is safe to ride. Modena is a very green area, many parks and a lot of trees.
Ciao,io vivo a Modena in Italia, una piccola citta’ ma con grandi case automobilistiche come Ferrari e Maserati. Nella mia citta’ ci sono molte piste ciclabili cosi’ rende piu’ sicuro girare in bici, Monena e’ anche piena di alberi e parchi.

Why do you love riding in the city?
I love riding in the city because is faster than a car and I don’t waste my money on gasoline. I want to feel the wind on my skin.
Mi piace pedalare in citta’ perche’ e’ piu’ veloce che andare in macchina,poi non inquino e non spreco soldi in benzina. Mi piace sentire il vento sulla testa.

Or just say whatever you want about riding in the city…
Fix the bike...Go to Ride!
Fissa la bici...e Pedala!

NAME: Derrick
LOCATION: Philadelphia, PA

Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city?
Sometimes Sunny Philadelphia. Some of the roads are horrible. Aside from potholes, the tourist trap cobble-stones and criss-crossed trolley tracks wreak havoc on a 25c tire. But compared to the last city I lived in riding here is incredible. People here are tolerant of cyclists and while there may be only a few bike lanes, motorists actually know how to contain themselves. Where once I was harassed at least weekly, since moving here I’ve only been yelled at twice.

What was your favorite city to ride in, and why?
All of Holland. They have stoplights for bikes!

Why do you love riding in the city?
‘Cause I get hungry. They have food in the city. And Philly’s got expensive car insurance, so it’s easy to make excuses to spend money on bikes. I’d write down how much I love passing cars and dashing through congested streets, and how weaving through traffic is an amazing rush. But isn’t that why we all love riding in the city? Plus I really do like to eat.

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