Urban Velo


Citibike Success Over the World

Citibike Success Over the World

The Citibike bike sharing program is up and running in NYC despite some predicting nothing short of the apocalypse, yet just 10 days in and..

June 7, 2013 with 0 Comments
Bicycling as a Priority

Bicycling as a Priority

Mayor Greg Ballard: Making Bicycling a Priority in Indianapolis from Streetfilms on Vimeo. Where I’m from we don’t always have..

June 6, 2013 with 1 Comment
The Long Bike Back

The Long Bike Back

A documentary film, The Long Bike Back, is scheduled for release this coming summer after just finishing up a fundraising drive. The Long..

June 4, 2013 with 1 Comment

Bern Sessions New York: Part 1 “Squid”

Bern Sessions New York: Part 1 “Squid” from Bern Unlimited on Vimeo.

June 1, 2013 with 2 Comments
Casey Neistat and The Stolen Bike Solution

Casey Neistat and The Stolen Bike Solution

Neistat is at it again, ruffling the feathers of NYC authorities in the name of cycling advancement. I want to tell you this is great, but..

May 31, 2013 with 4 Comments

The Spokesman

Anyone who’s been around bikes long enough or gone to a few swaps has met an older man with endless knowledge of antique bikes..

May 30, 2013 with 1 Comment
CitiBike Debut

CitiBike Debut

Citbike Debuts in NYC from Streetfilms on Vimeo. Well, it’s officially official. The Country’s largest bike share program,..

May 29, 2013 with 0 Comments

How To Deal With Cars In Bike Lanes – Los Supercivicos

Even though I can’t understand what these men on cargo bikes are saying to drivers using the bike lane to circumvent traffic, I like..

May 24, 2013 with 5 Comments

Motorists and Cyclists in Cambridge

In this ten minute documentary filmmaker Bradley Stern talks with Cambridge residents about conflicts between motorists, cyclists and..

May 24, 2013 with 0 Comments
East Side Compost Pedallers

East Side Compost Pedallers

Bike To Work, Bike At Work from East Side Compost Pedallers on Vimeo. I really dig this video out of Austin, Texas of the East Side Compost..

May 23, 2013 with 0 Comments