Urban Velo

Yearly Archives

Fixed Gear Girl Taiwan Video

FGGT NO:01 from FOXCHEN on Vimeo. Here’s a fun little video from the beautiful island. Maybe it’s best not to play this one out..

January 11, 2010 with 5 Comments

Nobel Prize Winner Prefers to Bicycle

Dr Venki, winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, doesn’t own a car and rides his bike everywhere. Courtesy of Quickrelease.TV.

January 10, 2010 with 0 Comments

Meet Eric Matthies

I grew up in Chicago, I live in Los Angeles and I’m working on a movie in Vancouver for four months. Riding here in Vancouver is..

January 10, 2010 with 0 Comments

2010 is Bianchi’s 125th Anniversary

From the Italian Cycling Journal: It was in the year 1885 when Edoardo Bianchi, then 21 years old, started his enterprise as a bicycle..

January 9, 2010 with 8 Comments

The Internals of Internal Gears

Internally geared hubs are popular amongst city cyclists for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that they are pretty well..

January 9, 2010 with 1 Comment

Bum Ariffin Loves His Bike

It’s a small world, and it stands to reason that one bike-riding photographer knows another in any given city. So it’s not..

January 8, 2010 with 4 Comments

Winter Cycling Basics

For many people, the cold temperatures and slippery conditions make winter cycling a daunting proposition. For other people, it’s an..

January 8, 2010 with 6 Comments

Lemolo Bags Prototype Hip Pouch

I recently traded Eli from Lemolo for one of his hip pouches. I had been thinking of getting one because there are those times where all I..

January 7, 2010 with 8 Comments

Splined Bottom Brackets

For decades the square taper bottom bracket axle was the defacto standard with nearly every high quality bicycle up through the late..

January 7, 2010 with 0 Comments

Grove Street Bicycles Donation Program

The Jersey Journal featured a story about Grove Street Bicycles and their new program of accepting donated bikes for repair and..

January 6, 2010 with 0 Comments