Urban Velo

Yearly Archives

Kolelinia Lets You Ride Your Bicycle Over the Air

Our pal Matt Stache (aka Future Cop) recently sent us a link to this crazy invention—the Kolelinia. It’s a sort of elevated..

January 14, 2010 with 9 Comments

Tongue in Cheek Fixed Gear Bike Study

Earshot Presents recently posted a tongue in cheek “study” of the correlation between high school physics grades and the number..

January 13, 2010 with 7 Comments


A reader named Jason from Michigan recently dropped us a note to introduce his new blog, cycleADDICTS. As he puts it: We are a couple of..

January 13, 2010 with 0 Comments

Evil Dr. Thompson Gets Five Years

The news has been around the web, but for those who haven’t heard, the California doctor who was found guilty of vehicular assault on..

January 13, 2010 with 2 Comments

The Bullet Presta/Schrader Valve Adapter

Adapters to make a Presta tire valve work in Schrader pumps are handy items to keep around, not just for their utility in the home shop but..

January 12, 2010 with 12 Comments

The Slovakia Experiment Report

Fixedgear.at recently organized the second Slovakia Experiment, an informal ride/race across the snow strewn landscape between Vienna and..

January 12, 2010 with 4 Comments

Urban Velo Bike Room GigaPan

The GigaPan is a robotic camera that creates interactive panoramic images. Click here to view this panorama on the GigaPan’s website.

January 12, 2010 with 3 Comments

Peacock Groove Wants You for Jury Duty

From the world’s most misunderstood framebuilder comes a somewhat less than obvious sales promotion entitled The Jury. What is it,..

January 12, 2010 with 0 Comments

MKE Bicycle Co Pass Through “Potts Mod” Compression Plug

When it comes to my personal stable of bikes, I can be pretty picky about what I want to ride. A couple of months ago I put together a..

January 11, 2010 with 6 Comments

Volume Thrasher

Volume has been developing a new fixed freestyle frame, intended to take over where the Cutter left off. According to the Volume website:..

January 11, 2010 with 0 Comments