Urban Velo

Yearly Archives

Best Friends Forever Alleycat in West Palm Beach

The Best Friends Forever alleycat is being held on April 10th in West Palm Beach, FL. This is a team event, everyone will be in pairs..

April 3, 2010 with 0 Comments

Vanni Pettenella

Vanni Pettenella passed away recently, and a few videos telling his story have come to light. Above is an interview where he tells of how..

April 3, 2010 with 1 Comment

Matt Gilman’s Latest Blind Trials Video

Matt Gilman has recently posted a new video of his remarkable blind trials riding. Not familiar with Matt’s story? Beyond learning..

April 2, 2010 with 6 Comments

Look Out, Lexington

Urban Velo and a handful of friends are heading down South to play polo in Lexington. And yes, we’ve been warned… Don’t..

April 2, 2010 with 1 Comment

The Huffy Authority

Ok, it’s an April Fool’s joke, but who wouldn’t want a Huffy beater like this for $175? Via www.pedallas.com.

April 1, 2010 with 0 Comments

Blaq Design Backpacks

About a fortnight ago Jeremy and Paul from Blaq Design LTD made the relatively short drive to Pittsburgh for the Spring Roll Alleycat and..

April 1, 2010 with 2 Comments

Happy Birthday, Hammer

If you see The Polish Hammer today, wish him a happy birthday. And, no, it’s not an April Fool’s joke. Hammer’s been an..

April 1, 2010 with 1 Comment

Fast Boy Visits Pittsburgh

This past weekend, Ezra Caldwell visited Pittsburgh to give a talk on behalf of Bricks for Young Adults, a local cancer awareness..

April 1, 2010 with 0 Comments

Schwinn Courier Road Bike at Target

Hot on the heels of Walmart’s “fixed speed” comes this $260 “courier” bike from Schwinn. Available at Target,..

March 31, 2010 with 11 Comments

DIY Chainring Bolt Tool

The real deal tool to fit the back of a chainring bolt is only a few dollars yet somehow is left missing from many tool kits. Ad-hoc..

March 31, 2010 with 3 Comments