Urban Velo

Yearly Archives

Crystal Ruiz Mills Relief Fund

From South Florida Fixed: Crystal Ruiz-Mills, was struck by a motorist at this past weekends Broward County Critical Mass. She is in the..

May 4, 2010 with 6 Comments

Truvativ Boobar

For some people, urban cycling isn’t just about keeping the rubber on the tarmac. It means testing their mettle against the..

May 4, 2010 with 3 Comments

Melburn Roobaix 2010

The 2010 Melburn Roobaix is scheduled for May 30th. In the few years that Andy White has been throwing the ride/race it’s now become..

May 4, 2010 with 1 Comment

Aiming for an Urban Cycling Mecca in Asheville, NC

On a warm night in the summer of 2008, nineteen year-old Jeremy Johnson was cycling home after an evening shift in the produce department..

May 4, 2010 with 3 Comments

Issue #19 Co-conspirators

These are some of the people who helped bring you Urban Velo #19. Check out their websites and let them know you like their work. Jeff..

May 3, 2010 with 0 Comments

Velocity Bottle Trap

Back in the day, Velocity was well known for their bottle cages as well as their rims. The high quality alloy cages were made one at a time..

May 3, 2010 with 6 Comments

Denver’s Courier Veterans

The life of a bicycle courier—seems as though they don’t have a care in the world. Riding with cup of coffee in hand, saying..

May 3, 2010 with 0 Comments

Blue Lug’s New Location

The Tokyo fixed gear shop Blue Lug recently moved into a bigger location. In addition to all the most popular bikes, parts, apparel and..

May 2, 2010 with 0 Comments

Issue #19 – Available Online

Contents include: Denver’s Courier Veterans, Aiming for an Urban Cycling Mecca in Asheville, NC, Finders Keepers, I Love Riding in..

May 1, 2010 with 1 Comment

Shanghai Bicycle Convention Coverage

No, unfortunately we didn’t get to visit mainland China for their big bicycle trade show, but People’s Bike was there with..

April 30, 2010 with 1 Comment