Urban Velo

Yearly Archives

Christ Cycles

Christ Cycles is a bike company with a mission… The Richmond-based non-profit ministry wants to get more people out on bicycles, and..

October 13, 2010 with 35 Comments

Oh no, Philadelphia…

Does the City of Brotherly Love need a better bike rack design? Check this out and decide for yourself. Via Prolly.

October 13, 2010 with 1 Comment

1000 Bikes

The 1000 Bikes Foundation is a not-for-profit organization which is dedicated to putting a bike in the hands of 1000 foster youth and their..

October 12, 2010 with 1 Comment

Bicycle Technology – Understanding the Modern Bicycle

When it comes to hardcover books about everything that makes the bicycle go or how to work on them, I typically don’t have high..

October 12, 2010 with 1 Comment

Planet Bike Shoe Covers

Though most of us hate to think about it, winter is well on its way. At least the good folks at Planet Bike are helping us prepare with..

October 12, 2010 with 0 Comments

Gnome Bags Gnugget Bag

Gnome Bags is a new small bag maker, with all of their products completely designed and manufactured in the USA via a Michigan-Georgia..

October 11, 2010 with 1 Comment

Social Bike Business Heading to Uganda

A small grant has enabled a trip to Uganda and the long-awaited meeting of leaders of two nonprofit bicycle organizations. Since December..

October 11, 2010 with 1 Comment

Pittsburgh Tweed Run

Pittsburgh’s ClankWorks is putting together an October Tweed Run on the 16th. They’ll be taking off from their headquarters at..

October 11, 2010 with 0 Comments

WRAHW Welcomes Tom Lamarche

WRAHW Welcomes Tom Lamarche from WRAHW on Vimeo. If nothing else, skip ahead to 2:55 in the video.

October 10, 2010 with 5 Comments

More People Are Biking to Work

Actually, a lot more people are biking to work, according to Wired.

October 10, 2010 with 2 Comments